Groups and classes taking place at Helios


Groups, events & classes

Guided Meditation with Fiona Feather

Wednesdays 1-2 pm – Drop in – no need to book

This has been set up for Helios clients and other people living with HIV to be able to experience and benefit from guided meditation and yoga breathing. It runs at 1pm every Wednesday lunchtime in the centre.  Suggested donation £5. 

Learn breathing exercises and a simple meditation method to help you slow down, find space and calm the busyness of your mind. Sit on the floor or in a chair.

It seems incredible that the vast majority of people go through life without directly experiencing who they are. We think, we reason, we feel but we do not know.  By fully communicating ourselves to others the direct experience of enlightenment can be attained and readily assimilated into our daily lives.

This intensive process lasting for three days gives you the best possible chance to attain Self realisation. 

Facilitated by Greg Branson and Robin Baldock. Cost £280. concessions available by arrangement.

The residential runs from Thursday at 8.30am until Saturday 9pm. It is also possible to attend on Thursday only.  

There is a one-day short intensive on 29 December 2024.

For more information email or visit

Until you have found your point of power, your essential self and public presentation will lack incisiveness and conviction.  This day workshop will allow you to search for that elusive quality that enables you to speak spontaneously with truth and sincerity using the appropriate words to inspire your listeners.

Run by Greg Branson who began his career as a respected actor and drama teacher and then developed his methods to help people in many professions to communicate with confidence.  Cost is £25. Full day workshops run several times a year. 

More information from

The ‘Discover your True Ability’ workshops give the full range of teaching and processes necessary to enable participants to open up to their creative, psychic and healing abilities in a very safe and profound manner. This is essential training in how to channel spiritual presence, healing energies and your creative gifts. More information.

Next workshop Saturday 26th October 2024 10am – 5pm

£50 for the day – concessions available.

More information from

Once a month on a Saturday 10am to 5pm

Day Retreats are a great opportunity to practice Buddhist techniques. Popular with beginners and with seasoned practitioners, they combine in depth study and discussion with tea breaks and conversation. By the end of a Day Retreat we often reach a total of three hours of meditation, practised throughout the day in manageable chunks. An opportunity for true transformation.

Lack confidence because you’re too quiet? Learn how to say “goodbye” to inhibitions and self-consciousness and develop a natural self-confidence that feels like the real you …

Claire Schrader started out in life as the proverbial wallflower – until she hit upon a way to break out of my shell and acquire some of the skills that extroverted people naturally have. She developed The Sunflower Effect™, a highly effective confidence-building system using an adapted form of drama, that has been transforming the lives of quiet, shy and socially anxious people since 1997.  Claire runs various courses at Helios. See for more details.