Helios Centre

37 years of Helping people in london

about us

Over 35 years of supporting people living with HIV in London

The Helios Centre is a holistic health charity based in King Cross serving people living with HIV and AIDS across London.

We aim to bring about improvements in the way that people deal with challenging health issues, particularly those from marginalised and deprived groups. Our clients are diverse, with a high percentage who are LGBT+ and/or from an ethnic minority. We help people develop a better quality of life by providing a range of holistic therapies and support to meet people’s individual needs.

We work mainly with people with long-term and late diagnosed HIV and those suffering serious health conditions. We provide about 160 sessions of one on one therapies per week. We also run some support groups. 

The Helios Centre is run by The Helios Foundation – a registered charity.

Charity  No. 1160233

 “I can honestly say that the support I have received has been invaluable. The psychological, moral, spiritual, emotional, physical and mental support has been critical to my well-being.”

Helios client

 “Without the support from Helios, I don’t know how I would have managed – in fact, I know I wouldn’t.  I’m working more and because of your help, I am able to support others in my job.” 

Joyce of Positively UK

Our Approach

We Facilitate Improvement in Quality of Life

The essential purpose of the Helios Foundation is to bring about substantial improvements in the way that people from marginalised and deprived groups in London deal with challenging health issues. Helios helps people to discover that they can really transform themselves and return to a fuller life. We provide an extensive range of holistic therapies, support groups and classes at subsidised rates for people on low incomes tailored to meet both physical and emotional needs. Clients also join a welcoming community and have the opportunity to become volunteers or attend social events, fostering a sense of belonging and reducing isolation.

Our Funders

Our funders include:

The Mac Foundation
The Branson Family
Garfield Weston
National Lottery Community Fund
London Catalyst
Clothworkers Foundation

Private donations


— Our Mission

Our mission is to provide a comprehensive holistic health service to people, on low income, dealing with chronic physical and emotional conditions.


— Our Vision

Improved quality of life for marginalized people living with chronic illnesses


— Our Story

The essential purpose of the Helios Foundation is to bring about substantial improvements in the way that people from marginalised and deprived groups in London deal with challenging health issues. Helios helps people to discover that they can really transform themselves and return to a fuller life. We provide an extensive range of holistic therapies, support groups and classes at subsidised rates for people on low incomes tailored to meet both physical and emotional needs. Clients also join a welcoming community and have the opportunity to become volunteers or attend social events, fostering a sense of belonging and reducing isolation.